Our customer, in this case, a company with storage facilities nationwide, had just made a significant investment in a new and sizeable distribution center. The vast section they were looking to protect was filled with 10 x 10 HSS steel columns. Although the structural columns were painted yellow for better visibility, they knew that a solid prevention strategy against warehouse infrastructure damage was necessary.
The customer and his engineers needed to protect the building columns of this new DC against forklift damage specifically, from experience in locations where such damage had been difficult and expensive to repair. His team was not contented with the flimsy plastic or rubber options found on the market, and could not find a solution that was at once sturdy, and did not take up valuable floor space. They were also looking for a guard that, while protecting the column, would not come into contact with it. With these considerations in mind, they reached out to a Damotech Dealer, experienced in protecting valuable warehouse assets.