Damo Care
Rack Safety Program

Solving rack safety for you.

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A world-class warehouse safety program by the industry’s leading rack experts

Investing in a warehouse pallet rack safety program is crucial to ensuring a safe, efficient, and compliant workplace. Implementing such a program can be challenging even for the most committed warehouse operators despite its benefits. Meet DAMO CARE© — a subscription-based service plan designed from the ground up to simplify initiating and managing a robust company-wide rack safety program.


A 360° Approach to Warehouse Safety

The peace of mind that comes with a proven framework.

Damotech has over three decades of expertise in ensuring warehouse safety for small and large companies. We’ve thoroughly inspected thousands of facilities and expertly repaired countless racks. Drawing on this wealth of experience, we have developed the Rack Safety Flywheel©, a comprehensive guide to establishing a top-tier rack safety program. This flywheel serves as the foundation of our DAMO CARE program.

Get Started with DAMO CARE

Rack Safety Flywheel



  • Baseline Inspection
  • Yearly Re-Inspections
  • Routine Assessments
  • Tablet & Mobile App
  • Load Calculations, LARCs & Labels
  • Detailed Engineering Reports
  • Key Findings & Recommendations
  • Issue & Progress Tracking
  • Dedicated Safety Software
  • Project & Budget Planning
  • Engineered Rack Repair
  • Work Prioritization & Coordination
  • Component Replacement
  • Product Installation
  • Product Discounts
  • Asset & People Protection
  • Employee Safety Training
  • Safety Recommendations
  • Product Installation
  • Product Discounts

Get Started
Discover how DAMO CARE can benefit your company. Learn about subscription options and how to get started.


Pallet rack inspector


Let us help you navigate the challenges of implementing a comprehensive safety program.

Launching a rack safety program can be challenging, but with DAMO CARE, you’ll have access to the industry's top experts and engineers to help you every step of the way. We’ll work closely with you to define a roadmap, ensure that your safety program meets OSHA and other industry standards, and protects your workers and assets. Whether you need guidance on best safety practices, assistance with maintenance, or support in the event of an incident, our experts are here to help. With Damotech by your side, you can focus on running your business while we take care of rack safety.

About Damotech


The Premium version of the Damotech Platform, included with DAMO CARE, revolutionizes how you manage your rack safety program, offering a comprehensive solution to streamline the inspection and maintenance process. With its cloud-based access, the Platform provides real-time insights into your rack’s performance, making tracking your progress and maintaining a safe warehouse environment easier. This software is the only one of its kind in the industry and an added benefit that genuinely sets us apart from the competition.

Damotech Platform


Product Discounts & Warranty

From rack repair kits to adjustable braces and guarding, we have the most effective and durable products on the market. Our renowned DAMO PRO repair kit comes with a lifetime warranty. Best of all, with your DAMO CARE program subscription, you can get them at a discount.

All-in-One Solution

DAMO CARE offers an integrated solution with a full range of products, services, and software. With the Damotech Platform (Premium version), you will have real-time access to the most current safety data across all your warehouses, enabling you to stay informed and in control, regardless of your location.

Expertise across North America

As the largest rack safety company in North America, we have experts available wherever your warehouses are located. You will also gain access to an elite team of certified rack installation professionals.

Learn More on Damo Care

Rack Safety Made Easy

With DAMO CARE, our goal is to ensure a smooth and stress-free process for our clients in achieving their rack safety objectives. Our team of experts will be with you every step of the way to answer any questions and guide you to success.

Rack safety training


After establishing your company’s needs and goals, a safety expert will provide a detailed outline of the next steps in the process, including the training of your employees. The purpose of the training is to provide your employees with the basic understanding and capability to identify rack safety concerns and become familiar with available solutions to resolve them.


A baseline inspection creates a reference point for compliance with industry standards and progress tracking of safety issues. At this stage, Damotech engineers walk your entire facility and thoroughly inspect your racking systems for compliance by collecting on-site information, taking pictures, and recording any deficiencies, damage, or missing components. Our pallet rack inspection services are non-disruptive to warehouse daily operations.

Pallet rack inspection report


Damotech engineers will provide you with a comprehensive report that includes findings from the inspection and recommended solutions to address any deficiencies. The report, along with all relevant data, will be accessible on the Damotech Platform. You and your team will be able to easily sort and filter through the data, view photos of reported issues, and track progress using informative dashboards and key performance indicators. Later on, the data will be updated to reflect the current status of each issue as they get addressed.

Pallet rack repair


Based on the report’s recommendations, we will discuss the required work with you or your team. The project may be divided into multiple phases, taking into account budget constraints and other considerations. Upon agreement on the scope of work, we will provide the appropriate racking and repair solutions, and have them installed by our certified technicians.

Warehouse rack software


Our rack experts will re-visit your facility to monitor progress, detect new issues, and update the information on the Damotech Platform. Additionally, your team can use the Damotech mobile app at any time to report new issues or connect with a rack expert for more complex situations. Managers and executives can access the Damotech Platform remotely to review reports and access real-time data on the status of your warehouses, eliminating the need for on-site visits.



Fortune 500 clients




Sq. ft. inspected


Hours of downtime saved


Warranty replacements



Fortune 500 clients




Sq. ft. inspected


Hours of downtime saved


Warranty replacements

Left Citation Quotes  Safely managing storage rack systems across a network of warehouses can become overwhelming. With Damotech we have found an industry partner for education, engineering support, repairs and protection. Their quality and customer service are first class.  Right Citation Quotes


Reyes Holdings Logo

Pehr Peterson
Director of Construction
Reyes Holding, LCC


What is DAMO CARE? How does it differ from other rack safety approaches?
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DAMO CARE provides a comprehensive solution to rack safety, utilizing a 360-degree approach that considers all aspects of safety management. Our solution includes:

  1. Professional Services - Our experienced rack safety experts provide guidance and recommendations while our engineers conduct inspections and load capacity calculations to ensure your rack system is safe and secure.

  2. Rack Repair and Replacement Products - Our products are designed to repair or replace damaged racks and components, providing long-term protection for your assets and people.

  3. Protection Products - Our products help prevent future damage, ensuring a safe and secure environment for your employees.

  4. Safety Management Software - Our Platform centralizes your safety management efforts, displaying safety-related data and facilitating project management and communication.

A piecemeal approach to rack safety may result in inefficiencies that overlook crucial aspects of safety management. With DAMO CARE, you benefit from a structured, comprehensive solution to rack safety driven by the Damotech Rack Safety Flywheel.

Is DAMO CARE a subscription-based solution?
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DAMO CARE is a subscription-based service with a minimum commitment of one year.

While a one-year subscription is required, we also offer multiyear plans. Our clients have the option to make payments on a monthly or yearly basis.

Multiyear plans provide the added benefit of consistent access to our services over an extended period of time, allowing you to fully realize the benefits of our solution. Additionally, making yearly payments can offer cost savings compared to monthly payments. Contact us today to learn more about our pricing options and find the best plan for your company’s needs.

How does DAMO CARE pricing work?
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At Damotech, we understand that every warehouse and safety solution requirement is unique. That’s why we determine our prices based on a variety of factors, including warehouse location, size, and inspection requirements. If rack load calculations are needed in addition to inspections, this will also be taken into consideration when determining the final price.

Furthermore, online training is included, but requesting on-site sessions will impact the overall cost.

Our team will work with you to assess your specific needs and provide a detailed quote that takes all of these variables into account. Contact us today to get started with a customized solution for your warehouse.

How can I learn more about DAMO CARE?
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This webpage provides comprehensive information about DAMO CARE and its approach to ensuring rack safety. However, for a tailored understanding and to address any specific concerns regarding your company’s needs, we encourage you to reach out to our experts. Simply fill out the contact form on our website or the form at the bottom of this page to connect with us. Our team is ready to assist you in finding the best solution for your company.

Damo Care Expert


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